Industrial Drive Improvements

EMC Role
Project Overview
This project consisted of improving an existing dirt road while adding a new waterline and many drainage improvements. To establish the new roadway grades over 12,000 CY of material was moved. EMC installed over 2000 ft of 12” water main, 700 ft of 8” sanitary sewer, manholes, and 1300 LF of larger diameter ductile iron Storm drain. EMC installed, as part of the overall storm drain system (2) underground LID storage chambers to collect and filter the storm run off. 2 cast in place retaining walls were also constructed to accommodate the new road alignment with an existing bridge abutment as well as the track beds for BNSF railway. Surface improvements included 4300 LF of new curb, 5000SF of new sidewalk as well as over 9600 SY of new Asphalt Pavement. Several existing utility lines had to be relocated, EMC coordinated relocations with each Utility Franchises. EMC completed the project on time and under budget.